What is Email Deliverability?

Vladyslav Podoliako
2 min readDec 2, 2022


Email deliverability refers to the ability of an email to reach its intended recipient’s inbox successfully. When an email has good deliverability, it means that it has a high likelihood of being delivered to the recipient’s inbox and not being filtered into the spam folder.

Why is Email Deliverability Important?

Having good email deliverability is important for a few reasons. First, it ensures that your emails are actually being delivered to your intended recipients. This is important because if your emails are not being delivered, then your message is not being received by the people you are trying to reach.

Second, having good email deliverability can help to improve the reputation of your domain and IP address. This is because if your emails are consistently delivered to the inbox, it signals to email providers that they are likely to be legitimate and not spam. As a result, your future emails are more likely to be delivered to the inbox as well.

Third, having good email deliverability can help to improve your open and click-through rates. This is because if your emails are delivered to the inbox, recipients are more likely to see them and be inclined to open and engage with them.

How Can You Improve Your Email Deliverability?

There are a few steps you can take to improve your email deliverability. Here are some tips:

  1. Use a reputable email service provider: Using a reputable email service provider can help to improve your deliverability because these providers often have systems in place to help ensure that your emails are delivered to the inbox.
  2. Use a double opt-in process: A double opt-in process can help improve your deliverability because it ensures that only people who have explicitly asked to receive your emails are added to your mailing list. This can help to reduce the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.
  3. Monitor your bounce and complaint rates: Monitoring your bounce and complaint rates can help improve your deliverability because it allows you to identify any issues affecting your delivery rates. If you notice a high bounce or complaint rate, you can take steps to address the issue and improve your deliverability.
  4. Keep your email list clean: Keeping your email list clean can help improve your deliverability because it ensures that you are only sending emails to people interested in receiving them. This can help to reduce the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.
  5. Use Email Deliverability/Performance Software for instance https://folderly.com/

In conclusion, email deliverability is an important aspect of email marketing. By improving your deliverability, you can ensure that your emails are being delivered to the inbox and seen by your intended recipients. This can help to improve your open and click-through rates, and it can also help to improve the reputation of your domain and IP address.



Vladyslav Podoliako

Founder & CEO at Folderly | Accelerating & Retaining Revenue Growth | Email Deliverability Expert | Advisor